Weather forecast

Don't be caught out!

Before planing your ski day, your tour or your mountain trekking take a look at the live weather forecast.

21/02/2025 - 23/02/2025

Clear and fine
Morning -2.6° | 0.2° Wind: 1.9km/h Precipitation 0mm
Slightly or partly cloudy with fair spells
Afternoon 2.8° | 4.9° Wind: 3.2km/h Precipitation 0mm
Cloudy or very cloudy
Evening -2° | 2.9° Wind: 2.3km/h Precipitation 0mm
Cloudy with some clear spells
Morning -1.8° | 3.7° Wind: 2.9km/h Precipitation 0mm
Cloudy or very cloudy
Afternoon 1.5° | 4.7° Wind: 4.1km/h Precipitation 0mm
Cloudy with some clear spells
Evening 0.7° | 1.7° Wind: 1.4km/h Precipitation 0mm
Scattered clouds with long, clear spells
Morning -0.8° | 2.5° Wind: 2km/h Precipitation 0mm
Cloudy or very cloudy
Afternoon 3.7° | 6.6° Wind: 2km/h Precipitation 0mm
Scattered clouds and clear spells
Evening -0.2° | 4.6° Wind: 3.4km/h Precipitation 0mm
Source: 3B Meteo
Weather forecast
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