Open Lifts
Here you can find all the information you need on which of the Bardonecchia lifts are open
Here you can find all the information you need on which of the Bardonecchia lifts are open
Lift name | Open today: | Forecasts for: February 23rd | Category | Lenght | Altitude at top/end | Ski area | ||
Ban |
1213 mt | 2278 mt - 2694 mt | Jafferau | ||||
6 Gigante |
1607 mt | 1931 mt - 2363 mt | Jafferau | ||||
Jafferau Baby |
50 mt | 1918 mt - 1922 mt | Jafferau | ||||
Challier |
785 mt | 1703 mt - 1934 mt | Jafferau | ||||
Bardonecchia-Frejusia |
1864 mt | 1348 mt - 1937 mt | Jafferau | ||||
Vallon Cros |
589 mt | 2173 mt - 2396 mt | Melezet | ||||
Bosco |
1372 mt | 1774 mt - 2177 mt | Melezet | ||||
Seba |
1672 mt | 1783 mt - 2217 mt | Melezet | ||||
Sellette 4 |
1381 mt | 1788 mt - 2177 mt | Melezet | ||||
Melezet - Chesal |
1538 mt | 1365 mt - 1817 mt | Melezet | ||||
Les Arnauds |
993 mt | 1337 mt - 1605 mt | Colomion | ||||
Pra Reymond |
1351 mt | 1506 mt - 1884 mt | Colomion | ||||
Pian del Sole |
403 mt | 1526 mt - 1653 mt | Colomion | ||||
Colomion |
1654 mt | 1554 mt - 2037 mt | Colomion | ||||
Baby 3 |
50 mt | 1301 mt - 1314 mt | Colomion | ||||
Baby 1 |
98 mt | 1278 mt - 1290 mt | Colomion | ||||
Baby 2 Scuola |
197 mt | 1285 mt - 1309 mt | Colomion | ||||
Smith 4 |
746 mt | 1273 mt - 1551 mt | Colomion |
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Contributo pubblico concesso: € 470.478,47
di cui quota FEASR: 202.870,32
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